About Reach North America
Equipping and Empowering the Church in North America
In the Name of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Reach North America is a Missionary Society who confess faith in and allegiance to the almighty, eternal, and holy triune God — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are committed to equipping and empowering the, “one holy catholic and apostolic” church in North America to uniquely reveal the Kingdom of God in all areas of life.
Our Foundational Affirmations
1. It is for His worship, service, and fellowship that we, by His grace and appointment exist.
2. We are bound by covenant to God in and through Jesus Christ our Lord, in whose fellowship we are called.
3. We believe and confess Jesus Christ to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and that no one comes to the Father but by Him.
4. We are regulated by God’s Word written, the Holy Bible, and guided by the great creeds and confessions of Christendom based upon His unchangeable, sufficient, and authoritative Word.
5. We are a constituent part of the one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
6. We believe there is but one true Apostolic Faith, and believe it in our day to embrace and perpetuate that faith in all its fullness to the glory of God, the edification of the Universal Church, and the transformation of the World.
Our Ethos Statement
Reach North America is guided by a societal ethos that shapes, forms, and unites all society members together as apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastors and teachers, and other gifts, graces, and ministries that together shape the Kingdom of God. As an ethos, it guides and shapes our missionary endeavors to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and declare the Kingdom of God. Our ethos statement is what unites members of Reach together.

Principle 1 — Kingdom Collaboration
- We value collaboration over competition for the sake of the common good and the glory of God. We are committed to being united in mission instead of uniformity in expression.
- Therefore, we foster, support, and celebrate different missional expressions of the church.
Principle 2 — Scattered Mobilization
- We value the purpose of every disciple of Jesus Christ sent to be an everyday missionary on their frontline. We are committed to breaking down the secular-sacred divide that states some things/vocations matter to God and others don’t. Instead we believe Christ our Redeemer and King is Lord of all.
- Therefore, the core vocation of every follower of Jesus is as a missionary, sent to redeem and recreate in every place and space in the whole of life.
Principle 3 — Gospel Multiplication
- We value multiplying disciples of Jesus Christ in every place, and every space, in many ways. We are committed to multiplication instead of transferred growth.
- Therefore, we are committed to place-specific contextualization, taking risk, fostering innovation, and celebrating creativity in the multiplication effort.
Principle 4 — Life Transformation
- We are committed to strengthen the inner-life, knowing that in order to push out further in mission we must go deeper in our relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This includes participating in regular Sabbath, retreat, confession, and fellowship. We know that in order to bring the message of the wholeness of the Kingdom we must experience that wholeness.
- Therefore, we value transformed people that seek wholeness in all of life through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Principle 5 — Sacred Celebration
- We value worship that flows from the sacred communion table and extends to our frontline mission. We are committed to a sacramental worldview that believes God is present in every aspect of our lives. Every ordinary aspect of life is an opportunity to worship and receive God’s effectual grace. Celebration is a foretaste of the Kingdom!
- Therefore we are committed to celebrating and experiencing the joy of mission.
Principle 6 — Connection and Communion
- We value connection and communion that flows from our common understanding of the Church having “One Lord, one faith, and one baptism (Eph. 4:5).” So we intentionally seek to establish communion through a common faith and order that celebrates diversity while maintaining unity.
- Rather than emerging from divisions created by historic differences of doctrine and practice, we intentionally celebrate differences while holding to the unity of the faith guided by the apostolic foundation of the one church.
Get Involved and Join The Movement
Reach North America’s goal is nothing short of a movement to re-Christianize North America. We want to plant an Abbey in every city in North America, sending commissioned ministers, cultivating missional communities, and planting churches. Only then will our goal be complete.
Is the Lord calling you to be part of our movement?