A Missionary Society in the Anglican Tradition
Raising Up Leaders, Planting Churches, & Establishing Colonies of Heaven on Earth
Kingdom Collaboration for Gospel Multiplication
Launched in December 2022 at the consecrations of Bishops Brian Bethke and Dr. Jonathan G. Smith, Reach North America is a missionary movement committed to equipping and empowering the “one holy catholic and apostolic church” in North America to uniquely reveal the Kingdom of God in all areas of life.
The U.S. and Canada has become the largest mission field in the world as millions of people no longer identify with or have given up Christianity. Our mission is to raise up leaders, plant churches, launch businesses, and start schools to proclaim the Kingdom of God and the good news of Jesus Christ, our saving King.
We invite you to learn more about our kingdom multiplication strategy, to get involved in the work of starting an Abbey, or partnering with us financially to empower our ministry to continue. May God be praised in all things!
Grace and Peace,
The Right Reverend Dr. Jonathan G. Smith
Our Distinctives
Creedally Rooted
The guidance provided by the historic creeds provide time-proven summations of essential Christian doctrine.
Missionally Driven
A commitment to fulfill the First Commission and the Great Commission is essential to our work.
Canonically Ordered
We are a missionary society organized under the International Canonical Standards of Communion Christiana.
Our Kingdom Multiplication Strategy
Church planting is not a matter of buildings or programs or one-size-fits all approaches, but of establishing abbeys, making disciples, and ultimately embodying God in colonies of heaven here on earth. It’s not just about converting souls, but also about developing communities of faith in which believers are being built up in their most holy faith.